Source §4

Source §4 is a small programming language, designed for the fourth chapter of the textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, JavaScript Adaptation (SICP JS).

What names are predeclared in Source §4?

On the right, you see all predeclared names of Source §4, in alphabetical order. Click on a name to see how it is defined and used. They come in these groups:

  • AUXILIARY: Auxiliary constants and functions
  • MISC: Miscellaneous constants and functions
  • MATH: Mathematical constants and functions
  • LISTS: Support for lists
  • PAIRMUTATORS: Mutating pairs
  • ARRAYS: Support for arrays
  • STREAMS: Support for streams
  • MCE: Support for the meta-circular evaluator

What can you do in Source §4?

You can use all features of Source §3 and the two functions that are introduced in chapter 4 of the textbook, given in MCE.

You want the definitive specs?

For our development team, we are maintaining a definitive description of the language, called the Specification of Source §4. Feel free to take a peek!