Source §4 Explicit-Control

Source §4 Explicit-Control is a small programming language, designed for the fourth chapter of the textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, JavaScript Adaptation (SICP JS).

Source §4 Explicit-Control is run using the CSE Machine instead of the JavaScript native backend.

What names are predeclared in Source §4 Explicit-Control?

On the right, you see all predeclared names of Source §4 Explicit-Control, in alphabetical order. Click on a name to see how it is defined and used. They come in these groups:

  • AUXILIARY: Auxiliary constants and functions
  • MISC: Miscellaneous constants and functions
  • MATH: Mathematical constants and functions
  • LISTS: Support for lists
  • PAIRMUTATORS: Mutating pairs
  • ARRAYS: Support for arrays
  • STREAMS: Support for streams
  • MCE: Support for the meta-circular evaluator
  • CONTINUATION: Support for continuations

What can you do in Source §4 Explicit-Control?

You can use all features of Source §4 and the facilities supporting continuations, given in CONTINUATION.

You want the definitive specs?

For our development team, we are maintaining a definitive description of the language, called the Specification of Source §4 Explicit-Control. Feel free to take a peek!